If you can't find the requested information, please consult the manual. It may have the required information.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is JCavaj Java Decompiler?
JCavaj Java Decompiler is a free Java-based Java Decompiler.
It reconstructs the original source code from a compiled binary CLASS file.
2. Are there any system requirements?
Java Runtime Environment 1.4 or higher installed.
5. I think I've found a bug, what should I do?
3. Are there any known bugs or limitations?
If you've found a bug, please get in touch with us. Please include this in your
bug report:
1. The version of the software. Open the "About" window in the "Help" menu.
2. The version of the JRE. e.g. JDK 1.4 or J2SE ver 1.4.
3. Platform you are running on (e.g. Win 98 or Solaris 2.6).
4. Any exception stack trace, if one was generated.
5. A detailed description of how the problem occured.
6. The .class or .jar file if available.