This directory has each build system capable of building RebeccaAIML. See the [doc] directory for instructions on how to build with these. [autoconf] The autoconf and automake scripts to build the source code underneath Linux. [vs7_dll] The solution in here is for building RebeccaAIML on Windows using Visual Studio 2003 (7.x). Use this solution to just build the RebeccaAIML dll (rebecca-mt.dll) [vs7_tests] This is going to end up being the regression testing suite. For right now it just contains a link to a graphBuilder playground project. This is under construction, don't use. [gnumake] * THIS IS DEPRECATED!!!! USE autoconf instead * A gnu makefile to build RebeccaAIML on a Linux based system. Use this if you're wanting to build RebeccaAIML for Linux. [vs7_build_bin_dist] This contains a batch file to automate building a RebeccaAIML distribution automatically. Use this if you have the prerequists of Boost, Xerces, Doxygen installed, and the enviornment variables setup and you just want a one click build. [vs7_dll_all] This is what I use for building RebeccaAIML dll and the samples.